Test A Circuit Breaker With A Digital Multimeter
How to test a circuit breaker with a digital multimeter?
Before answer the following question I will tell you best
digital multimeter for electronics in end.
I'm going to show you how to use digital voltmeter for Test a
Circuit Breaker with a Digital Multimeter. If you suspect it as a failed
component of why you're not getting power. First I'm going to show you is how
to use a digital voltmeter you look at your voltmeter for Test A Circuit
Breaker With A Digital Multimeter. You're
gonna see just a little squiggly line
that's for AC voltage that's
what you want for household current DC voltage is gonna be a straight line with three dots at the bottom
you can usually get a digital voltmeter very very inexpensive. All the way up
to a couple three hundred dollars all you really need is this one here was purchased
at Harbor Freight been using it for many years maybe by Suntech it was about
forty dollars.
But I've seen oh jeez fifteen twenty dollar ones that will do
very very similar testing this one has a lot more options on it'll test temperature
more or less the amperage currents voltage you can do ohms okay. I'm going to show you how to test a circuit
breaker with a digital multimeter. Before we get too crazy before we start I
just want to let you know please be very careful. If you do not feel
comfortable in doing any of this get a Lexington location this is only a
demonstration as you could see my ground is already on the ground bar and very
simple. You'll go to the suspected circuit breaker for test a circuit breaker
with a digital multimeter and you would just touch like I am now and you will
see I got a hundred and seventeen and a half volts and you would set it at 200
because anything below that I get you have a 200 amp service that's what it
would check. So if it was anything hiring 200 then you would have to use the
750. I'll show you I'll test one more this one's 117 almost 118 if you have any
questions for test a circuit breaker with a digital multimeter you can leave
your comments. I have try to cover the
complete guide of test a circuit breaker with a digital multimeter.
Caution: Don't forget safety of life.
Best digital multimeter for electronics
Best digital multimeter for electronics is banner in the top
of the page.